GEAS is a non-profit organisation, providing opportunities for local artists to meet and work together in a supportive group atmosphere. Members can benefit from regular classes with an experienced teacher and life models, outdoor painting sessions, an annual ‘paint-out’ day and opportunities to exhibit their work?.
In 2009 the Rotary Club of Caulfield identified a need for a local art group in the Glen Eira City Council area, as there was then no art-based organisation with a professional focus. Rotary set a series of goals to be met in order to fill this gap. These goals have gradually been realised and the Glen Eira Artists Society Inc. now has a dedicated committee, a growing membership and provides regular weekly, monthly and annual events that give local artists opportunities to connect, learn, improve their skills and exhibit their work. New members are welcome.
GEAS Logo designed by Regina Atzil
Statutory Positions:
President: Andrew Inglis
Vice President: Melissa Parkinson
Statutory Secretary: Heather Welsh
Treasurer: Jyl Bell
Other Committee Members:
Angeline Bartholomeousz
Merv Ritter
Peter Roccella
Gillian Schofield
The Society gratefully acknowledges Rotary Club of Caulfield for its continued support of the Society’s development and expansion. We are also grateful to Bendigo Bank for its sponsorship of the Paint in the Park and Cityscape events. And we appreciate the support from the Glen Eira Council and Melbourne Artists' Supplies

The Glen Eira Artists Society (GEAS) holds its annual exhibition at the Glen Eira City Council Gallery. All GEAS members may participate and are entitled to exhibit up to two works each (unless otherwise advertised/allowed). Exhibition fees are $15 for the first work and $10 for the second. Exhibition works are adjudicated, and consist of three main award categories and two encouragement awards.
Other exhibition opportunities arise from time to time through a range of shows (solo or group) in local and other venues. Members are informed about all GEAS and other exhibition opportunities.


Becoming a GEAS member allows you to:
Attend weekly art activity groups, either free or at a discounted rate
Have your artwork shown in members’ exhibitions (at least once a year)
Receive the free E-newsletter
Get to know other artists in your local area
Membership fee:
Annual fee – $35
Joining fee (a one off fee) – $25
Please read the GEAS Rules before applying click here
Applicants need to be nominated by two existing members, so:
Feel free to join in our activities, and
Get to know other members while you consider joining
To become a member download the Membership Application Form click here